Easy Exercises For Muscle Stabilization, Strengthening and Endurance In Adults 50 and Over

Easy Exercises For Muscle Stabilization, Strengthening and Endurance In Adults 50 and Over

Easy Exercises For Muscle Stabilization, Strengthening and Endurance In Adults 50 and Over

The impact of aging on strength and balance can be daunting. It seems to happen overnight. You wake up one day and realize it’s harder to climb stairs, bring in the groceries, or even stand up from a seated position. However, this doesn’t mean we should throw in the towel on feeling fit. It means it’s time to get proactive about strengthening our bodies! Now, this doesn’t have to be difficult, in fact, it can be as simple as a walk in the park, literally. The best health benefits will come to those who are willing to practice every day. Moving your body, even in small ways, can make major improvements to joint health and strength. Here are a few ways you can work toward building strength and endurance and regain muscle stabilization and balance.


The Sit-To-Stand Exercise

In order to maintain good health, mobility, and fitness, there has to be movement involved. Something as simple as standing up from a seated position without using your hands is a great way to work on muscle stabilization and balance. Often, being able to stand from a seated position is the deciding factor in personal freedom. This exercise is simple to do.

  1. Stand in front of a sturdy chair with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Heels should be 5 to 6 inches in front of the chair, arms should be held straight out in front of your shoulders
  3. Engage your core muscles
  4. Slowly bend your knees and push back your hips to lower your body onto the chair and in a seated position
  5. Then pause, prepare and stand up.
  6. Repeat 10 times per day and remember to take your time

The Single Leg Stand Exercise

The single leg stand exercise has a positive impact on your ability to support yourself. Strengthening in this manner will assist you in improving the way you walk, climb stairs, and perform daily activities. This will also improve muscular imbalances when it comes to the right and left side of the body. Here is a simple way to do this exercise.

  1. Stand upright with your feet together
  2. Engage your core by tightening your stomach muscles
  3. If needed, hold on to a wall or something sturdy to brace yourself
  4. Lift your right foot just off the floor so that your weight is on your left foot
  5. Imagine your spine being straight and tall and remember to engage your core to avoid leaning
  6. Hold this position for 30 seconds or as long as you can hold it for
  7. Repeat on the other side


Swimming Exercise

Swimming is a fantastic way to exercise without putting a great deal of pressure on your joints. Studies reflect that swimming increases circulation builds endurance, and increases your heart rate without being overly strenuous. Here are a few exercises that you can do in the pool.

Aqua Jogging

  1. Make sure you are in an area that the water is no higher than your chest
  2. Perform a simple jog in place while in the swimming pool
  3. When you’re ready jog from one side of the pool to the other
  4. You can go as fast or as slow as you wish
  5. If you’d like to simplify this exercise, try walking instead of jogging
  6. Repeat

Flutter Kick

  1. Make sure your head stays above the water
  2. Perform a front float while holding on to the side of the swimming pool
  3. Flutter or kick your legs
  4. Kick at a tempo that doesn’t tire you too quickly but make sure to get your heart pumping
  5. Repeat


Resistance Band Exercise

Resistance bands are light and perfect for exercising in the comfort of your own home. They can be found at Walgreens, Wal-Mart or you can order on Amazon and have it sent to your home. The band will provide a number of diverse ways to challenge different muscle groups. Here are a few exercises you can try with a resistance band.

Seated Row

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs together and extended in front of you
  2. Place the band behind the soles of your feet
  3. Grab the ends of the band with both of your hands
  4. Sit up tall and bend your elbows while pulling the band toward your core
  5. Squeeze your shoulder blades together
  6. Slowly return to the starting position
  7. Repeat

Side Step

  1. Place the band around your legs just above your knees
  2. Place feet hip-width apart
  3. Step to the side until your band provides resistance
  4. Slide your other foot over and start again
  5. Repeat this sidestep in one direction for as many reps as you like
  6. Repeat this going the other direction

All these exercises are a great start in creating ease with daily tasks. Improving stamina, muscles stabilization and endurance will lead to less pain in joints and more energy to enjoy life. Stay tuned for our next post on calisthenics and how improving flexibility can decrease back pain, increase blood flow and improve mental clarity.


Walsh, Judith M. E., Alice Rogot Pressman, Jane A. Cauley, and Warren S. Browner. “Predictors of Physical Activity in Communitydwelling Elderly White Women.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 16.11 (2001): 721-27. Web.

“Take the Plunge. (exercise Experts Claim That Swimming Provides as Many Aerobic Benefits as Running and Is a Better Alternative for the Elderly, Obese and Hypersensitive)(Brief Article).” Industry Week245.16 (1996): 56. Web.Eun-Mi Jang, and Won-Gyu Yoo. “Comparison of Hip Stabilization Muscle Use during Neutral Sit to Stand and Sit to Stand Involving Isometric Hip Abduction in Elderly Females.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science26.12 (2014): 1963-964. Web.

How To Improve Your COPD Symptoms

How To Improve Your COPD Symptoms

How To Improve Your COPD Symptoms

Difficulty breathing is one of the most alarming and uncomfortable symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Modifying a few daily behaviors can be an effective way to alleviate symptoms of COPD. Here are a few things you can try that may help.

Avoid smoke and chemicals with strong fumes

According to the American Lung Association, smoking causes 90% of COPD deaths. If you currently smoke, consider quitting. If you live with someone who smokes, ask them to smoke outside. Also, avoid cleaning agents such as bleach and ammonia. Perfumed soaps and shampoos can also contribute to irritation depending on your sensitivity level.

Eat a diet rich in nutrient dense foods

Eating a diet rich in essential nutrients will increase immune system response and strengthen your ability to fight off bouts of infection. Eating plenty of whole foods can help you to lose weight, which is a great way to make breathing easier as well. Talk to a dietitian about a potential eating plan or supplements that may be right for you.

Stay hydrated

Those with COPD are often dehydrated, which can lead to thick mucus build up. Water is a champion when it comes to thinning mucus and this is helpful in clearing it from the lungs. Make sure to discuss this with your doctor because too much water can worsen some COPD conditions.

Learn pursed lip breathing

waterPursed-lip breathing is a great way to assist in slowing your breathing rate and expanding your airway to alleviate breathing issues. First, purse your lips and blow all the air out of your lungs. Then with your pursed lips take a deep breath in filling your lungs with as much air as you can, then you can slow your breath so that you’re using as much of your lung capacity as possible. Repeat this exercise a few times a day and see if you notice a difference in your ability to control your breathing.


It may sound cliché but it’s true, regular exercise can greatly improve your breathing ability and in turn, your COPD symptoms. Focus on what you can do by trying a few exercising methods and seeing what is best for you and your body. Consider a moderate intensity exercise such as swimming, walking, or yoga. If you find yourself out of breath, also consider it may be due to being in a deconditioned state and not due to lung function.


If you’re on medication for COPD, be sure to manage it properly and take it as recommended by your healthcare professional. If you think medication might be right for you in order to help control symptoms, talk with your doctor about your concerns. The sooner you take action the better as lung damage can’t usually be reversed but it is controllable.

Other tips that may help avoid agitation of the airway

If allergies are an issue, consider trying a high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA).

If dry air triggers your symptoms, try a humidifier in your room.

Colds, flu, and other illnesses can trigger symptoms of COPD. Getting an annual flu shot may help protect against these seasonal irritants.





Have you ever craved a giant salad or a delicious juicy piece of red fruit? Your body may be trying to tell you something. When your body is craving certain things it usually means you will find yourself attracted to a specific item that contains the vitamins it needs. Before the age of processed food and refined sugars we were a little better at listening to what our bodies were telling us, but don’t worry the tools are still there. Intuitive eating is a modern and forward thinking idea that is sweeping our nation! Allow us to shed some light on the art of eating intuitively.

An intuitive eater is one that makes food choices based on what their body is telling them they need. It feels like you’re simply following your body’s cravings. However, if you’re in the habit of resorting to less nutritious food items during cravings, such as chips or sugary foods, it may take some practice to get back into the swing of your body’s inner knowledge. However, with a little effort, you’ll be speaking your body’s language in no time.  Here are a few ways to get started:

  1. Trust your body and remember that you have the freedom to make your own food choices. Following a diet is not always best for everyone. Individualize your relationship with food and create a lifestyle around eating to nourish yourself.
  2. Ask yourself what it is that you really want.
  3. Listen to what your hunger is telling you. Oftentimes we eat at a certain time of day out of habit or around a schedule. Try taking a moment to listen to what your body really needs.
  4. Honor your food and take time with your meal. Savor the food that you chose and allow it to have the time it needs to nourish your body. Remember that portions are also apart of intuitive eating. Often in social situations or times of stress, we may eat more than our fill. Taking time to eat, instead of rushing, will make it easier to ingest the amount that our body actually needs.

Pay close attention to how your body responds to the food choices you make. Do you feel energized after your meal or do you feel lethargic and tired? Make note of these findings and tailor food decisions in the future, based on your previous experience.




Scientists have spent countless hours studying ways in which our bodies achieve optimal nutrient absorption. They’ve come up with some interesting methods to increase bioavailability. What is Bioavailability? In this case, it’s the degree to which food can be absorbed by the body. A number of studies have found that there are specific food pairings that can assist in the absorption of many different nutrients. Here are just a few!

Iron and Vitamin C

It is well known in the nutrition community that vitamin C assists in the absorption of iron by blocking dietary compounds that may hinder proper absorption. So when you’re enjoying a steak and you’re looking to get as much of the iron as possible, pair it with an Asian salad that has oranges in it. Or you can simply eat an orange, bell pepper, lemon juice, or strawberries with your meal.

Roast Your Veggies

Did you know that many vegetables require light cooking in order to help prepare the nutrient molecules for easier breakdown and absorption by the body? Foods such as spinach, tomatoes, carrots, and sweet potatoes are best sautéed, roasted, or steamed before consumption if you’d like to maximize nutrient absorption.

Pair with a Fat

When eating foods that contain fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, E, D, and K (foods like carrots, leafy green veggies, legumes) – pair them with a dietary fat such as olive oil, coconut oil, or butter. (In moderation of course!) This can greatly increase the ability for nutrient absorption by the body. An example would be having a salad with an olive oil based dressing.

Don’t Avoid Frozen Fruits and Veggies

People often think that if something is frozen then it’s not as healthy. This is a common misconception. More often than not, frozen fruits and vegetables are picked at the peak of freshness and flash frozen. This means that although frozen, you’ll still be getting them at their optimal ripeness, which means they’ll be full of vitamins and nutrients.

Vitamin D and Calcium

Foods such as kale that contain a portion of calcium are more bioavailable when paired with an item that has vitamin D, such as salmon. This pairing will greatly enhance your body’s ability to soak up the calcium you’re trying to get out of your greens while adding vitamin D to the mix also!


10 Ways to Promote Health After 50

10 Ways to Promote Health After 50

10 Ways to Promote Health After 50

Growing older is a fact of life, but how we feel as we age can be controlled by our daily choices. You know the old saying “ you’re only as old as you feel.” Well, it’s true, and if you want to maintain your health and stamina then we have some tips for you!


    Sleeping less than 6 hours a night can leave you feeling exhausted and lackluster. For optimal cognitive sharpness and adequate energy to last through the day, it’s important to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. According to the National Sleep Foundation, in order to get optimal rest, make sure the room is dark and free of electronics. It also helps to stick to a sleep schedule and ditch your mattress if it’s over 10 years old.
    Human contact is a vital aspect of longevity and overall health. Spending time with friends and family can have tremendous benefits to your emotional and mental well-being. So visit friends or host a social event. It will brighten your mood and uplift your spirits. If you enjoy your space, maybe a furry friend is more up your alley.
    Stress is a health destroyer and it often goes undetected as the true source of health issues. Stress can manifest itself in physical, mental and emotional ways. To avoid overstressing yourself, take time to whined down. It tends to be a widespread thought that vacations are a once in a blue moon affair. Vacations don’t have to be extravagant. They can be just a trip to the beach, a walk in the park, or a night in a nearby town. The point is that you get away from your normal routine for a moment to recharge your batteries and honor your need for rest.
    A high sugar diet can be detrimental to your health long term. Be wary of adding sugar when unnecessary and consider added sugar in foods that you buy at the grocery store. Read food labels and avoid things with high fructose corn syrup. The less sugar the better.
    Eating adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables each day provides vital nutrients and energy to your body so that you can feel great each day. Work toward eating two more servings of fruit and vegetables each day and notice the improved way you feel.
    It’s best to get your vitamins and minerals form your food, but if you’re unable to replenish your micronutrient needs through diet, then supplementation may be a good option. Consult a dietitian or physician to have testing done to see what you’re deficient in and proceed accordingly.
    This one is probably the most overlooked and underestimated. Drinking adequate amounts of water has a long list of benefits associated with it. Hydration allows your body to function properly and supports its system maintenance. It keeps your skin glowing and nourishes your cells. It also helps to increase energy and stamina. So drink up!
    If coffee doesn’t do it for you, consider drinking green tea instead. It contains powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals and provide many health benefits. A few benefits supported by recent studies include, improved brain function, increases fat burning, improves physical performance, lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and improves dental health by killing bacteria.
    Our bodies are directly affected by our minds. When we possess a negative outlook, it can take a huge toll on our body. By staying positive and uplifting our mentality, this gives us a feeling of expansion rather than contraction. Try taking a few deep breaths in times of stress and frustration. This will help you collect yourself and remind you to remain positive.
    Do you wake up every day looking forward to something? Doing something worthwhile that matters, gives you a sense of purpose. It’s directly correlated with 7 extra years of life according to a study conducted in areas of the world where people live the longest. This is great news! Try finding something you can look forward to each day to boost your sense of purpose. It can be helping a neighbor or joining your local community center. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something you really enjoy.