Tips to Alleviate Joint Pain

by | Aug 23, 2021 | Exercise, seniors

Joint pain and discomfort can occur in all different parts of our bodies and tend to get worse as we age. Your joints begin to require extra TLC (tender love and care), and depending on the severity of your joint pain, it may be best to seek treatment with a medical professional. However, there are a few precautions and lifestyle changes you can make to help the discomfort associated with stiff and achy joints. One of the best things you can do is exercise. Staying in shape through light exercise helps strengthen the muscles around your joints and promotes joint flexibility. You don’t want to do any heavy lifting or run a marathon, try sticking to low-impact activities such as walking, cycling, or even swimming. Along with exercise comes weight management. Carrying around extra weight can increase joint pain and pressure, especially when it comes to your hips and knees. If your weight is contributing to your joint discomfort, it’d be best to consult with your primary care doctor to discuss a weight loss regimen that works for you. 

Did you know your diet can significantly impact your joints? Inflammation in the body can be a contributing factor to joint discomfort. Processed foods such as sugary treats, red meats, and fried foods can cause an inflammatory response in the body. Therefore, you want to decrease your intake of inflammatory foods and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Fatty fish in particular is rich in vitamin D and omega 3’s which can contribute to healthy joints. If you’re not a fan of fish, fish oil pills are a great alternative, however, be sure to consult with your doctor before taking any new supplements. If you’re looking for a quicker fix, you can try a hot or cold compress. Icing your joints with an ice pack or frozen bag of vegetables throughout the day can offer fast relief. If you have the time, try taking a warm bath to reduce discomfort, as well as destress your body and mind.

Sources: Cleveland Clinic. (2018, March 28). Joint Pain: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment.   Ellis, M. E. (2020, May 22). 9 Ways to Get Relief from Arthritis Pain Naturally. Healthline.  

Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic. (2020, December 29). The Best Food to Help Relieve Your Joint Pain.