by | Feb 16, 2018 | NUTRIENTS, smoothie

Over the years, smoothie trends have waxed and waned, but they’ve never truly left us. It could be their vast health benefits or maybe they’re just fun to make. Either way, they’re here to stay. If you could use some smoothie inspiration in your life or maybe just a change in your diet routine, we’ve got just the thing for you! Smoothies galore! Smoothies can be a quick and simple way to incorporate more daily vitamins into your diet. They can even provide a meal replacement with the right ingredients. We’ll share with you, some nutritious favorites to add to your smoothie repertoire.

The Banana Almond Flax

This smoothie is a fantastic breakfast replacement if you’re in a hurry but still want optimal sustenance and satiety. It has potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and plenty of fiber to help maintain a stable blood sugar level. Blend and enjoy immediately! Add water or additional almond milk to achieve your desired thickness.

1 ripened banana (frozen or fresh)
2/3 cup almond milk or milk of choice
¼ cup almonds
1 Tbsp flax seed (ground)
1 Tbsp Honey
2 Tbsp rolled oats
Ice cubes (optional)

The Super Berry Blitz

Everyone loves berries, so this is an oldie but goody. It’s loaded with antioxidants, vitamin C, K, B6, potassium, fiber, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Blend and enjoy!

–    1/3 cup strawberries (frozen or fresh)

1/3 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh)
½ banana
2 Tbsp rolled oats
1 Tbsp cashews
1 cup almond milk, water, or milk of choice
3 ice cubes

The Glycemic Friendly Green Smoothie

Calling all avocado lovers! This one may not be on the sweeter side but it has a creamy delicious flavor all its own! It has plenty of potassium, fiber heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, niacin, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, K, calcium, folic acid and some iron. This low-glycemic smoothie has less sweet fruits but is packed with healthy fats and yummy greens.

½ of a medium peeled cucumber
½ of an avocado
1 cup spinach or leafy green of your choice
1 Tbsp almond butter
1 Tbsp Hemp or Chia seeds
1 small piece of peeled ginger root
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
2/3 cup water or milk of choice
4 ice cubes

Feel free to mix and match your favorite items. Get creative by adding protein powder, powdered greens, or any other nutrient rich additives. If you’re looking for a lighter and thinner smoothie use water or coconut water, and if you like it thick then you can use nut milks or cow’s milk. If you use frozen items you can omit ice cubes but if you’re using all fresh items, ice cubes are recommended. Always remember that when it comes to smoothies, the possibilities are endless! Cheers!