How to Stay Entertained During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by | Jan 12, 2022 | cooking class

Starting to go stir crazy from quarantine? You’re not alone. This past year has been difficult for everyone and there’s only so many things you can do to keep yourself busy before boredom strikes again. That’s why I’ve come up with a list of ways to keep yourself entertained while also staying safe and practicing social distancing. Some of these activities might require a quick trip to the store for supplies, however, most everything is easily accessible from the comfort of your home.

Exercise I know exercise is probably the last thing you want to hear, however, there’s no better time to start. With all of the downtime you have at home and the amount of free workout material on the internet there’s really no excuse. Even if it’s as simple as a walk around your neighborhood or a ten-minute workout video on YouTube, I can guarantee you’ll feel so much better afterwards.

Digital Museum Tour Thanks to modern technology, you can now visit art museums hassle-free with virtual tours. Google Arts & Culture teamed up with thousands of museums to allow people to enjoy art from the comfort of their homes. Travel and Leisure has compiled a list of the twelve most popular museums around the world which offer free virtual tours.

Garden Why not have fun and get your hands a little dirty? Harvesting your own food is not only healthier and cost-effective but also extremely rewarding. I’ve recently created a step-by-step guide on how to start a small garden of your own which is linked here.

Crafting Do you have a desire to start drawing? Painting? Embroidery? Now is the best time to do it! Instead of binging another TV show, why not give your eyes a break from the screen and get your hands busy instead. Take a trip to your local craft store to pick up some art supplies, or even have them delivered to you, then start getting crafty.

Cooking Have you always wanted to learn how to make pasta from scratch? How about bake your own bread? Now you’ve got plenty of time to get out of your comfort zone and try new cuisines. The Food Network created a diverse list of popular recipes you’ll want to try for yourself at home.  

Sources Brown, S. (2020, June 29). How to keep busy at home this summer. Retrieved from Honard, C. (2020, November 28). How I’m Planning to Stay Entertained During Quarantine This Winter. Retrieved from

Sutherland-Namako, A. (2020, May 7). 50 Fun Things You Can Do at Home Right Now in Quarantine. Retrieved from