Self-Care Activities for Seniors

by | Jun 7, 2021 | Caregiving


As trendy as self-care has become on social media, it’s not just for teenagers and young adults. In fact, many adults and seniors can benefit from incorporating self-care activities into their everyday life. And no, it does not always mean you have to do face masks and drink wine, although that definitely does work for some people. Everyone enjoys different things and has unique interests, so there’s no one size fits all when it comes to self-care. There are various forms of self-care that you’ll have to experiment with before you find what works best for you and your lifestyle. I’ve compiled a list of ideas that will hopefully spark your interest to start your self-care journey.

  • Time in Nature

seniors walkingSpending time outdoors is therapeutic for many people, myself included. Being outside in nature gives your body a sense of calm and helps clear your head. Vitamin D from the sun makes you happier, the fresh air helps reduce stress levels, and your body gets a chance to recharge. Whether you decide to go for a walk, hike, or get your hands dirty in a garden, your body and mind will feel the difference.

  • Socialize

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been a rough year for everyone’s social life. With the vaccine becoming more readily available, we’re slowly starting to go out and socialize again, but everyone should still follow the health and safety protocols recommended by the CDC. That being said, if you don’t feel comfortable going out quite yet, there’s still ways to communicate with your friends and family. If you’re tired of talking on the phone, Facetime and Skype have become increasingly popular this past year to video chat with loved ones. There are also many clubs that now host virtual meetings, such as book clubs, so you can socialize from the safety of your home. Try and join a virtual club that peaks your interest to keep busy and make some friends in the process.

  • Gratitude Journal

Five Min Journa;Writing down your daily thoughts and acknowledging what you’re grateful for is something a lot of us don’t do nearly as much as we should. It’s so easy to focus on the negative aspects of our lives and things we want to fix, that we don’t recognize the good all around us. Take five minutes a day to write down what you’re grateful for and see how it changes your life and overall mindset. This is my personal favorite journal, however, any notebook will suffice.

Sources: Cook, A. (2021, March 05). A message for older adults: Self-care is not selfish. Retrieved from  Grossman, J. (2020, May 11). Self-Care activities for seniors. Retrieved from  Medical Guardian. (2019, October 23). Self-Care activities for seniors. Retrieved from  Mental Floss. (2015, October 13). 11 scientific reasons why being in nature is relaxing. Retrieved from