Dennis McGarry, a 2013 Volunteer Service Award Recipient.

Dennis McGarry, 2013 Volunteer Service Award Recipient.


Meet Dennis McGarry, a volunteer at Westward Ho senior housing. Dennis is one of the very special volunteers who will be honored during our 2nd Annual Senior Awards Luncheon, to take place on Friday, October 18, 2013. When asked to describe what makes Dennis such a valuable part of Westward Ho, the staff said “Dennis goes beyond what a volunteer is, he is so much more.”

Dennis’ volunteer efforts at Westward Ho include teaching a weekly cooking class for the blind, a shopping and budgeting class and a history class. He also assists with the distribution of food on Commodity Food Box days and provides a dog walking service for those who are not able to give their furry companions regular exercise. Dennis also serves frequently at St. Mary’s Community Kitchen.

Gregory’s Fresh Market is thankful for all that Dennis accomplishes and for his devotion to helping our seniors live a quality life.